Military & Veteran Services

A Home for Veterans

Sanford Health is dedicated to giving current and past military members exceptional care and employment opportunities.

As a provider, employer and partner of choice for veterans, we honor their sacrifices and offer a welcoming environment that supports military members and their families. At Sanford Health, you’ll find a variety of programs created especially for you. Explore your care programs and career opportunities below.


Exceptional Care for Patients

We work to support veterans and current military members with programs designed to meet their care needs.

We offer:

  • Sanford Veterans Clubs: Our medical centers in Fargo, North Dakota, and Sioux Falls, South Dakota, welcome patients with military experience. Our Sanford Veterans Clubs are private, peaceful places with coffee, computer access and lounge areas featuring game tables and TV. Learn more about these amenities.
  • Veteran Ambassador Program: We actively seek out volunteers with a military background for our Veteran Ambassador Program. These volunteers visit fellow veteran patients to help make them feel at home during their hospital stays. Learn more about this program.
  • Veteran Hotline: The Sanford Veteran Information Hotline provides veterans with a single point of contact for questions. Call (800) 949-1848 to reach the hotline.

Opportunities for Veteran Employees

Sanford Health is a veteran- and military-friendly workplace. We’re here to offer benefits and employment programs to support you during and after your service.

Our programs include:

  • Continuation of Benefits: Servicemen and servicewomen can continue their employment benefits during qualified military deployments.
  • Differential Pay Policy: Sanford Health employees who are members of the National Guard or Army Reserve receive supplemental compensation during qualified military deployments of up to 12 months.
  • Education Scholarships: Veterans or National Guard, Army Reserve or active-duty military service members are eligible for a $5,000 scholarship from Sanford Health. Apply by Sept. 30.
  • Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR): Sanford Health signed a statement pledging to support the military services of employees and advocate for employee participation in the military.
  • Remembering Everyone Deployed (R.E.D): All employees are encouraged to show their support and gratitude for deployed service members by wearing red shirts on Fridays.
  • Veteran of the Year Award: Each year, we recognize a veteran employee for the work he or she does to influence the lives of others. This award encompasses all Sanford Health locations and regions.
  • Partners for Youth Success (PaYS): Sanford Health partners with the United States Army to guarantee young military members an interview and possible employment after their military service.

Explore Your Opportunities

Community Support for Veterans, Military Members & Their Families

Sanford Health cares for veterans and their families and wants to connect you with the services you need and deserve.

Veterans Crisis Line

The Veterans Crisis Line offers confidential support for veterans, National Guard and Reserve military members, service members and their loved ones 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The crisis line is available to you even if you do not receive VA benefits or health care.

To connect with a caring responder who is ready to offer confidential crisis support:

Bereavement Counseling
The surviving spouse, child or parent of a service member who died while serving may qualify for bereavement counseling through the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs’ Vet Centers. Bereavement counseling, also known as “grief counseling,” provides support for people after the death of a loved one.

VA benefits for Spouses, Dependents, Survivors and Family Caregivers
Spouses and dependent children of a veteran or service member may qualify for:

  • Health care
  • Life insurance
  • Money to assist with school or training

Survivors of a veteran or service member may also qualify for added benefits including help with burial costs and survivor compensation. Learn more about family member benefits.

National Association of County Veterans Service Officers
Need assistance? Want advice?

County Veterans Service Officers help veterans and their families access the benefits and support they need. They offer specialized knowledge of available services and a compassionate understanding of the problems veterans and their loved ones face.  

Sanford Health works with a variety of organizations to support military families.

Our partnerships:

  • American Legion
  • Disabled American Veterans
  • Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve
  • Hire Heroes USA
  • Military Officers Association of America
  • Order of the Purple Heart
  • Paralyzed Veterans of America
  • U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
  • Veterans of Foreign Wars
  • Warriors Never Give Up

Our sponsorships:

  • Fargo Fisher House
  • Legends for Kids—Folds of Honor
  • Sanford International—Veterans VIP Tent
  • SD Military Heritage Alliance
  • SD Veterans Community Project: Tiny Houses for Homeless
  • South Dakota Veterans Cemetery
  • USS South Dakota Commissioning Ceremony
  • Wings of Valor

Learn More