Life-Saving Care for Unexpected Injuries

When the unexpected happens, turn to Sanford Health. We offer trauma care across the Upper Midwest for life-threatening injuries.

We care for patients through every stage of trauma. Sanford AirMed is an air ambulance service that gets patients from the scene of an emergency to the hospital quickly and safely. Trained providers onboard can provide pre-hospital care in midair. After treatment, our patients will journey towards recovery by starting the rehabilitation process.

Your Trauma Team

Choose Sanford Trauma to partner with a multidisciplinary team. You’ll find support and cutting-edge care from a compassionate team of nurses, doctors and providers.

Our comprehensive trauma team includes specialists in:


Preventing Injuries Before They Happen

Sanford Health is proud to offer the Trauma Service Injury Prevention Program. We want to work with our communities to provide education and information to stay safe.

We promote and demonstrate safe behaviors in the communities we serve by:

  • Collaborating at local, state and national levels to promote programs and policies that protect children and adults
  • Educating our community partners and their staff on injury prevention topics
  • Providing injury prevention education and resources to families within the hospital and in the community

Clinical Trials

Clinical trials and studies can give you access to innovative treatments. The benefits extend past you, though. These trials can help researchers improve patient care and find cures for future generations. Search all clinical trials to find a trial open for enrollment and relevant to you.

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TAP Trial at Sanford Health

Bleeding out is the most common cause of preventable death after injury. Researchers at Sanford Health are participating in an international study to see if a blood clotting drug, given soon after arrival in the emergency department, can improve survival. The Trauma and Prothrombin Complex Concentrate or TAP Trial will evaluate the effectiveness of Kcentra, in addition to all standard care, in injured patients predicted to require a large volume blood transfusion.

Community members who do not want to participate can request a bracelet indicating this. If feasible, doctors will consent patients who fit the study criteria. If consent is not feasible, patients who fit the criteria will be automatically enrolled without their individual consent if they are not wearing an opt-out bracelet.

Learn more about the studies and how to opt out:

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Sanford Health Injury Prevention Programs

Our programs:

Injury Prevention Resources

Older Adult Fall Prevention

American Academy of Pediatrics

  • offers numerous resources for parents on issues affecting children in all stages of development
  • Important rules for use of car safety seats. The site also has frequently asked questions about car safety seats and other transportation safety issues, including air bag safety, a booster seat teaching tool and teen driver safety.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
The CDC has a variety of topics on injury and violence prevention. Each fact sheet tells who is at risk for various injuries and how the risk of injury can be reduced.

  • Falls and hip fractures among older adults
  • Injuries among children and adolescents
  • Older adult drivers
  • Water-related injuries
  • Youth violence
  • Concussions

Distracted Driving Information

  • AAA Foundation for Safety
  • National Highway Traffic Safety Division
  • National Safety Council
  • Driving Drowsy Guide

Safe Kids Worldwide

  • Safety tips for parents on children's bike and car safety, fires, burns, pedestrian safety and water safety

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

  • Transportation safety tips for parents
  • Understand risky driving

Additional Resources and Information on Injury Prevention

  • American Trauma Society
  • Society of Trauma Nurses
  • CDC resources on injury prevention and control
  • Health Resources and Services Administration—grant opportunities and program development
  • Injury Prevention Web—charts and tables of injury data by region and state
  • SafetyLit—weekly updates on injury prevention research activities
  • World Health Organization—data and information about injuries and injury prevention on an international level