Cancer Survivorship Programs

Connection, Education and Empowerment

You’re not on this journey alone. From the moment you’re diagnosed, our cancer survivorship team is by your side with programs and support groups designed just for you.

We’ll help you feel connected, educated and empowered throughout treatment and as you transition to life after cancer. Explore the benefits of our cancer survivorship programs below and learn how to join.

Cancer Survivorship Programs

Integrative Essentials

Take our integrative care course before or during your cancer treatment. Our online or in-person class teaches you to relax, imagine your own healing and thrive during treatment.

We offer courses tailored to chemotherapy, immunotherapy, radiation treatment and surgery to give you the information most relevant to your treatment plan.

Contact your cancer center to learn more about in-person course availability.

Take the Online Course

Lifestyle Medicine

Compared to those who were eligible for the lifestyle medicine program but didn’t enroll, graduates of the program see an average of:

  • 41% lower pharmaceutical costs
  • 15% lower total medical and pharmaceutical costs
  • 22% lower hospital admission rates
  • 43.5% lower emergency room admission rates


Our coaching seeks to boost your total well-being: physical, emotional, career, social, community and financial. Learn more about the lifestyle medicine program.

This program is open to all cancer survivors covered by Sanford Health Plan. Thanks to a grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, it is also open to all breast cancer survivors regardless of their health insurance provider.

Enroll Now

My Cancer Survivor Mentor

Someone else who’s been through cancer can help you like no one else. Get to know a survivor mentor for support from diagnosis through treatment and beyond.

You’ll partner with a mentor whose journey closely matches your own. When pairing mentors and patients, we consider age at diagnosis, cancer stage, anticipated treatment plan and your personal concerns.

Contact your oncology clinic to learn more about the program or enroll through our self-referral form.

Enroll Now


Cancer treatments can affect fertility in men and women. If you’re interested in starting or growing your family after treatment, oncofertility can help.

We’re here to offer aid and support you as you explore your possible paths to parenthood starting from the day you’re diagnosed

Listen now: Fertility navigation program designed for cancer patients.

For more information about available oncofertility services, contact a specialist in your area.

Learn more about the oncofertility program.

Healing Arts

We bring the joy of creating art to a health care setting. Through healing arts, patients, caregivers and our team members participate in uplifting, meaningful artistic activities. Participants of all ages are welcome.

Contact your cancer center to learn more about programs near you.

Cancer Support Groups

CLIMB® Program

Children’s Lives Include Moments of Bravery

A cancer diagnosis impacts everyone in a patient’s life – especially their family. Parents with cancer are often concerned about how to talk to their children about their diagnosis. CLIMB® can help.

CLIMB® is a free, six-week support program designed for children and teens who have a close family member with cancer. The CLIMB® Program was founded by the Children’s Treehouse Foundation.

Call to learn more.

FOURward Support Group

We provide a place for those diagnosed with stage 4 cancer to connect with others going through similar journeys. This is a space where you can openly discuss your thoughts and feelings, as well as the challenges you’re facing.

Call to learn more.

If you’re seeking care in Bemidji, contact the Sioux Falls or Fargo group to learn more.

Caregiver Support Group

Caring for a loved one living with cancer takes time, energy, love and sacrifice. To be a better caregiver, make sure you’re also taking care of your needs.

Join a caregiver support group to connect with people going through similar experiences. We provide a space for you to talk through challenges, disappointments, fears and the joys of caregiving.

Call to learn more.

If your loved one is seeking care in Bemidji, contact the Sioux Falls or Fargo group to learn more.