Certificate of Insurance

Verify Professional Liability Insurance

Sanford Health's certificate of liability insurance is now available in digital form.

To provide you with this information in a timely manner, we have established this section on our website with the current certificate of insurance. Download now:

Claims History Reports

What is a Claims History Report?

A Claims History is a report of claims and lawsuits asserted against a medical professional.

How to Request a Claims History Report

To request professional liability coverage information and/or claim history of a current or former Sanford provider, you must provide a completed and signed Sanford Authorization for Release of Provider Claims History and submit the authorization with a completed Professional Liability Coverage Verification and Claims History Request.   

The report will only be released when accompanied by the Sanford Authorization for Release of Provider Claims History signed by the healthcare provider. Requests are processed in the order they are received. Most requests are processed within 14-21 business days. Please do not submit repeat requests.

What is in a Standard Claims History Report?

Upon request and receipt of appropriate documentation, the Sanford claims team will provide a standard claims history report for a provider.

  • This report would include all open claims and suits for that provider.
  • For closed claims and suits, a five-year claims history would be provided. This five-year time period would be calculated based on the “date reported.”

This claims history report will include:

  • Both claims and suits, regardless of whether a payment was made on behalf of that provider.
  • Files where a provider was a target employee and/or named defendant.
  • Information on whether or not a payment was made on behalf of the provider.
    • Amounts of settlements will not be provided.
    • Amounts of verdicts may be provided.
  • Date of Loss
  • Date Reported
  • Claim Number
  • Policy Number
  • Claim Type
  • Brief description of claim/suit
  • Date claims history report was run